Foals X Google Fonts
Pick a band, song, or lyric to go on to create promotional goods including a 12" record sleeve design and poster whilst also promoting a cause...
By using Google Fonts and needing typography to be the centre of the design, I produced an album cover and poster with an accompanying album teaser video and zine for Oxford band Foals. The project revolves around the band and Extinction Rebellion to inform about the increase in temperature, the collapse of the ice caps and all in all, the potential end of our planet.

It began with a bad habit, this electric bloom of the 21st century has caused great decay to our home. Everytime we throw away single use plastics it is likely to find its way out of the woods and into the sea. More and more trash is entering our oceans causing significant damage to our environment and the habitats of numerous sea creatures. The pollution to our planet has now got us thinking of inhabiting the moon and even the red desert planet, Mars. We cannot merely be the runner of our issues that we have created ourselves. We should never think “I’m done with the world” because the world will then be done with you. We must wash off our desire to live in a throw away society, we must give it all to change our ways, and not to give out any more snake oil but start coming up with real solutions. Let us keep basking in the moonlight with no need to live on the luna. We must protect the Albatross, we must protect the Black Bull, and we must protect the home of Neptune. Otherwise there shall be no Miami, there shall be no late nights, there shall be no Sunday. Let’s stop dreaming of a new world and begin to fix our own. We do not want to be 10,000 feet under as what remains is only 2 trees, London thunder, and heavy water. We like swimming in clean oceans so let us remember we have big big love for this planet, let us fight for it so we can remember what went down instead of dying a lonely hunter hunting for the “next best thing”. Let us fight for our home. Let us have total life forever...